Trends & reports in section MONITORING includes modules to interactively analyze data such as production data, and energy data.

Each module consists of:

  • Predefined pages, selectable at the bottom.
  • The report area with visuals.
  • Filters pane at the right side.


Data is shown in containers, called 'visuals'. The visuals are designed to provide a highly interactive and user-friendly experience to allow you to explore, analyze and derive insights in your data. with these visuals.

Different types of visuals exist:

  • A card showing a single value enlarged.
  • A pie chart
  • A bar chart, horizontal, vertical, stacked or even combined with a line graph.
  • A table with or without expandable rows.
  • A treemap showing data as a set of nested rectangles.

Filters pane

If you wish to see less data, e.g. to focus on a particular period or particular machines, use the Filters pane on the right side. For more information, refer to the article Filtering data.

Report pages usually have a default filter.

Working with reports

Upon opening a report, you get the data of that moment. To see new data, refresh your window (F5). While data of a visual is refreshing, an update animation is shown in its top left corner: 

Reports contain features to adjust how reports are displayed. For more information, refer to the article Customizing the reports view.

Reports contains interesting tools to dive deeper into report data. For more information, refer to the article Exploring data.