Plant view (section Monitoring) shows the machines in your factory with live data. Different views types are available: Grid view, List view, Physical view. Select a view with the dropdown box in the top right corner. The physical view has to be configured before it can be used. See below.

Grid view

This view shows machines in a grid. Each machine is represented by a card. Groups are shown as cards with the icon . The tabs on top categorize machines by their state: All machines, Running machines, Stopped machines and Disconnected machines.

To open a group, click the group card ( ). To return to the previous group or the overview, click the group name or 'Overview' in the breadcrumb row on top. Example: Overview > Plant B.

To configure groups, refer to Machine grouping.

List view

This view is a sortable table with fixed columns (monitoring data and current setup) and a row per machine.

The table can be sorted:

  • To sort the table, click a column name.
  • To sort on multiple columns, press and hold SHIFT and select more column names. First click is ascending sort, next click descending and another click stops sorting. The sort order is indicated with arrows in the column header.

Columns can be pinned to the left or right:

  • In the column, click , point to Pin column and select where to pin.

Physical view

In this view, machines can be positioned as preferred. Each machine is represented by a card. Groups are shown as cards with the icon . It is optionally possible to define a background image for each group, e.g. the floor plan of the department, so that you can position the machines alike.

The tabs on top categorize machines by their state: All machinesRunning machines, Stopped machines and Disconnected machines.

This view is initially empty. All machines are shown in the All machines tab under Unpositioned machines and groups on top. First define your groups, add machines and optionally the group background image: refer to Machine grouping.

To add machines or groups to the floor plan, drag the machines one by one from Unpositioned machines and groups to the floor plan and position them the way you like. If you use a background image, position them according their physical location. Keep some spacing between the machines.

NOTE: Use machine grouping to remove machines. Refer to Machine grouping.

Machine card


Depending on the zoom level (use the Zoom in and Zoom out  buttons), the machine card only shows an icon (according the machine type) or the detail view with KPI's.

Status color

The border color indicates the status of a machine:

No color

Disconnected: The machine is not configured for Connect or does not have an active connection.

Manual stop: The machine was manually stopped. No intervention is needed,

Critical stop: The machine was critically stopped and intervention is needed,

Machine running

Tooltips and machine details

For more information about a value in the machine card, hover the value. This shows a ToolTip.

To see a detail window of a machine, click the machine card (Grid view and Physical view) or the machine row (List view). Refer to Machine detail.


This status color is overruled by the declaration color if a declaration is active. The header also shows the pattern that is defined for the declaration. This remains visible until the stop code is received. See also Declaration settings.


Machine messages

Machine and other messages can appear in the top right corner.

To stop displaying messages, switch off the Machine messages switch via the Custom settings button .

For a list of the messages of all machines in the overview, click the Machine messages button . To search messages, in the Filter box on top, type text that the machine name contains. Click the Filter button to add filters like the Message type.

Searching a machine

Click the Machines button to search machines. In the Filter box on top, type text that the machine name contains. Click the Filter button to add filters like the Efficiency.

To see a detail window of a machine, click the machine. Refer to Machine detail.

Custom settings

Click the Custom settings button  for:

  • Machine settings: Minimum planned time alert, Machine type efficiency.
  • Regimes: shift settings.
  • Declarations: refer to Declaration settings.