The machine grouping feature in Plant view (section MONITORING) allows to logically organize machines in groups and subgroups (nest groups) and to select the groups in the Grid view and Physical view. Groups can for example be organized according the physical layout of the plant and its departments. It is optionally possible to define a background image for each group, e.g. the floor plan of the department.

Groups pane

Groups are defined in the Groups pane. To open the Groups pane, click the Grouping buttonGroups button. The Groups pane shows all groups and subgroups that have been created, the machines that they contain and the groups that the machine belongs to. 'Overview' is the main group. Machines and groups are sorted alphabetically.


If Plant view shows the Grid view or Physical view it shows the group that is selected in the Groups pane.

Collapsing/expanding groups

To only see the group label and not hide the machines, click the Up arrow (i.e. collapse a group). To show them again, click the Down arrow (i.e. expand a group). If nothing happens, the group is empty.

Filtering the Groups pane

To make the search for groups and machines in the Groups pane easier, you can filter by typing text that the group or machine name contains in the Filter box.

To remove the filter, delete the text.

Editing groups

Users with appropriate rights can edit groups by toggling the Edit switch. Group settings are stored on the server and available for everyone.

When the Edit switch is on, the Machines pane and a Create new button  are shown:

The Machines pane shows all machines that are defined.

In edit mode, you can:

  • Add groups and subgroups.
  • Move a group in or out another group.
  • Edit and delete groups.
  • Assign a machine to one or more groups.
  • Filter, move and delete machines.

Adding a group

To add a group or subgroup, select a single group and then click the Create new button .

Enter a unique Group name.

Finish with Save.

Adding a background image to a group

To have a background image behind the machines in the Physical view, e.g. a floor plan, click Add background image.

Following file types can be used: PNG, GIF, JPEG, JPG. The ideal image size is one that fits in the Physical view when this view is completely zoomed out and with. The image size depends on the smallest display size of all users and can be calculated with this formula:

  • Maximum width (pixels) = display width x 0.9
  • Maximum height (pixels) = display height x 0.7

Example: for a 1920x1080 pixel display, the maximum image size is ±1728x756 pixels.

Moving a group

Groups and their contents can be moved in or out other groups (subgrouping).

To move a group, drag and drop it. If the target group and its machines are highlighted, drop the group.

Editing a group

To edit the properties of a group (Group name and Background image), click the Edit button .

Deleting a group

To delete a group, click the Edit button and click Delete.

Only groups that do not contain machines or subgroups can be deleted.

Sorting groups

Groups are sorted alphabetically.

TIP: To sort groups the way you want, you can add a prefix number. Example:
1 - Preparation
2 - Weaving
3 - Finishing

Assigning machines

To add a machine to one group, select a group and then click the Add button  of the machine.

To add a machine to multiple groups, select the first group, press and hold CTRL to select more groups, then click the Add button  of the machine.

You can also add a machine to a group with drag and drop. That group does not have to be selected first.

If you select a group, all machines that it and its subgroups contains are highlighted in the Machines list.

Filtering machines

To make the search for machines easier, you can filter the list of machines by typing text that the machine name contains in the Filter box. Click the Filter button to add filters like a Efficiency.

To remove the filter, either delete the text or remove the filter label.

Moving machines

To move a machine from one group to another, drag and drop it to the label of the group or to one of its machines. If the target group and its machines are highlighted, drop the machine.

Deleting machines

To delete a machine from a particular group, in the Groups pane, click the Delete button  of the machine, or drag the machine out of the group.

To remove a machine from all groups that it is part of, in the Machines pane, click the Delete  button  of the machine.

If you want to remove machines that are common to multiple groups, select the first group (all its machines are highlighted in the Machines pane) and then another group while holding CTRL (now only the common machines remain highlighted). Now click the Delete  button .