The Build step in the creation process of a Carpet order (under Production orders in the SCHEDULING section) is used to add order lines or designs to the carpet order.

For an overview of all carpet order creation steps and information about the other steps, see the article Carpet order overview.

The builder shows all information you need to select the right order lines or designs to make optimum use of the machine width and buggy length, and thus to have the least waste. You can either empower your productivity by using the Auto fill feature to automatically add order lines to paths, or you can do this manually.

If there is no room to fit all order lines in the buggy for the carpet order, you can save the current carpet order and immediately create a new carpet order for the remaining order lines and with the same configuration, and so on.

Exploring the builder

The Build page has these panels:

  1. Path layout: Realistic visualization of the paths with the order lines and designs that have been added. The builder starts with (a) Rest path(s) of the full machine width. By building the carpet order, you ideally try to end with the smallest possible  or no Rest path(s) at all.
    Single width machines have one rest path; double sided machines have a bottom and top rest path.
  2. Path content: This table lists details of the designs and/or order lines that are present in the selected path.
  3. Order lines/Designs: This table has some views. It either shows order lines (according the Preselection step) or designs. Both have a view with grouping by quality. From any of these views, you can add order lines or designs to the selected path.

The size of the panes can be changed to see more or less information per panel.


This section explains the basics to add order lines to a carpet order.

  1. Select a path with free space left or select the Rest path.
    Example: rest path is 5000 dents wide.

    The order lines list is automatically filtered on the widths that fit in the selected path and on the order lines with a 'to plan' quantity. Example: Note the filters in blue.

  2. Sort and filter the order lines. To sort on multiple fields, use CTRL. For example consider following fields:
    • Width: Sort to group order lines with the same width. Use filtering to only see particular widths.
    • Desired date: Sort to see the closest due dates on top.
    • Priority: Sort to see the most urgent order lines on top.

  3. Either do one of, or a combination of the following:
    • Click the Auto fill button. This feature is available with an order lines view in the bottom panel. It automatically adds order lines of the same width to the selected path, starting at the top of the order lines list, and until all order lines of the list are added, or until the path is full.
      If no order lines fit in the path, the button is disabled.

      Example: Result with just one click.

    • Manual method: Click the + Add button of an order lines/design or drag the order lines/design with the drag handle from the Order lines/Designs panel to the path to manually add order lines/designs.

      Example: Result after adding some order lines.

  4. The order lines list is updated for the selected path. The Add button is enabled if there are still order lines or parts of order lines that fit in the path. The Add button is disabled for order lines that are completely in the path.

    Select a path or the Rest path and repeat the above procedure by adding other widths until all paths of the carpet order are full and the rest is as small as possible. Ideally, there are some free dents to put between the paths (free zones). For example if you want 1 dent between the paths and have 5 paths, then you require 4 free dents.

  5. Click the Verify step.

  6. If the order lines list is not completely consumed, open the Save button and click Save and create new to create a new carpet order with the same configuration and repeat the above steps.

    You can also select Save and go to preselection to preselect other or more order lines.

The next step is the Verify step. See Carpet order verification & confirmation.

For a full description of all features, see Carpet order building (more details).

For an overview of the Carpet order module, see Carpet order overview.