Above the list of production orders for carpet (Carpet orders under Production orders in the SCHEDULING section), there is the  button with more functions for the selected order.

The availability of each function depends on the Status of the selected order.

PrintPrint information about the order and the paths. See What can I see on the print?
Error detailsIf an order has an error (red Status icon), you can click this to see details about the error.
ConfirmPlan the order.
Download EPsDownload the EP files of the order (in a ZIP).
Orders that are are not yet processed cannot be downloaded because they are not yet processed. 
Remove filesManually delete the files on the loom. This can only be selected if the order is completed entirely or partially. Also note the Delete policy for files on the loom. See Carpet orders custom settings.
CompleteIn case of a remote machine, you can mark the carpet order as completed here.
Complete partiallyIn case of a remote machine, you can mark the carpet order as partially complete here, by entering the number of woven items of each order line.