Declaration settings allow to define the declarations that can be entered at the machine and how they appear in Plant view (section MONITORING). Declarations can be defined for particular machine types or for all machine types. This article explains how to manage declarations.

To open to the Declarations dialog, in the top right corner, click Setting and then Declarations.

Creating declarations

To create a declaration, click the Create new button .

All fields are required. Color and Pattern are filled in by default.

  • Machine type: Select a machine type if a declaration can only be used by a particular machine type, or select 'All types'.
  • Description: Describes the use of the declaration.
  • Start code and Stop code (optional): A number to be entered at the machine at the start respectively end of the declaration. A number can only be used once per machine type.
  • Start action and Stop action: Optional type of action for the Start code respectively Stop code.
  • Abbreviation: 5-character identifier to be shown on the machine card in Plant view.
  • Color and Pattern: Help to identify the active declaration on the machine card. Preview shows the result.

After saving, you will see the created declaration is added to the list.

Grouping declarations

Declarations comes with some predefined groups. You can add subgroups to these groups and assign declarations to these subgroups. A declaration can be assigned to multiple groups.

To create a subgroup, select a group and click the Create new button  .

To assign a declaration to a group, drag it by its handle  to the subgroup.

Searching declarations

To search a declaration, click and type something in the Search box of any field. The list is immediately filtered as you type. Click  for more filter options and to reset the filter. Example:

Editing declarations

To edit a declaration, select a declaration and click the Edit button .

Deleting declarations

To delete a declaration, select a declaration and click the Delete button .