Machines can be configured via Plant view (section MONITORING):
- Select a machine.
- At the bottom of the pane that appears, click the Edit button
The dialog depends per machine type.
This article describes the settings for a Velvet Jacquard machine type.
Here, the most basic settings for your machine can be configured. It contains two sections: Machine details and Drawing-in.
Machine details
- Name: Enter a name for your machine or click Apply to use the naming suggestion.
- Order ID: The unique order number of your machine.
- Jacquard manufacturer: Select one of the supported manufacturers.
- Jacquard type: Select a Jacquard type (depends on the selected Jacquard manufacturer).
- Creel positions: Enter the number of pile yarns that can weave within a single dent.
- Fabric: This field is automatically calculated from the loom layout (that is configured on the Loom layout tab). It reflects the number of dents that can be planned for.
- Send report:
- For weave structures with a 1/2 V, 2/2 V, 2/3 V, the send report is 2.
- For weave structures with a 1/1 V, 1+1/2 V, 1+2/3 V, the send report is 4.
- Remote machine: Check if the machine is not connected. For such machines, the design can be processed in Connect and transferred via a USB stick, but they cannot be monitored nor planned with Connect.
- Ground yarns per dent: The number of ground yarns within a single dent.
- Drawing in order: Here you can change the drawing-in order for your machine. This will change the visualization for the weave structure manchons according to the defined order of the pile and ground yarns.
Loom layout
Here, the loom layout of your machine is defined.
- Zone type: Either select selvedge zone or design zone.
- Dents: Enter the effective number of dents on your machine that are reserved for the Zone type.
- Repeat: Select if and how in this zone the fabric is repeated. Can be None (no repetition), Inline or Mirrored.
- Start dent: Is calculated from the previous zone.
- Start repeat on: If a Repeat method is selected, enter the dent on which the fabric zone will start to be repeated. Note this is the absolute dent number starting from the first dent of the machine.
In the example, 1600 dents are active on the machine to generate our fabric. But only 800 dents can be used in planning since the design is repeated halfway.
Quality and production
Here, the quality and production data can be configured.
- Minimum picks per hour: Enter the minimum production speed for your machine. This parameter will be used in the planning to estimate production order times.
- Possible qualities: Click Edit to select all qualities from a list of compatible qualities that you wish to see when generation production orders.
- Possible creels: Click Edit to select the creels that match with the machine settings and that you wish to use when generation production orders.
- Planning group: Is used to group machines if you want to use Connect for planning. Enter a tag to group machines of the same planning group. If you do not need the Connect planning, just enter Default.
- If the tag is new, the message 'Group will be added' will appear.
- If the tab already exists, that message does not appear.