A finishing template defines the basic settings of a finishing. This is used to create a finishing for a certain quality.

The finishing template can be used to create different finishings.

Creating a finishing template is optional. You can create a finishing without creating a template first. This is described in Create a finishing

  1. Under Definitions (section SCHEDULING), open Quality related, then Finishing template.
  2. Click the Create new button .
  3. Enter a Name.
  4. Select a Finishing type:  Folding, Fringes, None or  Overedging.

  5. In certain finishings, you want to have Cutbar before and/or Cutbar after. These are optional settings of the finishing template. Enter the length (in mm) of the cutbar that you want to have. This value can be changed when you make a finishing.

  6. If you don't have a planner role (see User roles overview), then Cutting line is disabled.
  7. Click Save. Now you can use the finishing template to create a finishing for a certain quality,