Click here to download CadCam.


  • Call a CadCam environment to visualize a processed design with the yarn colors that are on the creel.
  • CadCam runs on-premise and has to be installed (see First use below).
  • The purpose of the command is to verify of the processing has been done as intended (creel chores matching the design colors?). Also the weft selection and what will be woven at the backside (carpet labels) can be inspected.
  • When zooming in the design is shown in manchon representation.
  • When hovering the design, a local manchon & cross-section representation can be obtained.
  • Design colors or designs colors that represent a weaving chore can be filtered.
  • Threads can be filtered in the manchon & cross-section representation.

How to call?

View ep works on the designs of a schedule that has been processed.

How it works?


Example used to illustrate how it works:

  • 5 chore loom weaving 1/2V.
  • Creel where the yarns on chores 1 and 3 are swapped.

Graphical user interface

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  • Design with five colors.

A picture containing text

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Dialog box

The processed design is shown in a dialog box with colors that will be the same as the colors of the woven carpet.


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Zoom and pan buttons

The right side shows buttons to zoom and pan:

A picture containing graphical user interface 
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The topleft button is the Home button. The Home button with arrow draws the processed design in the left corner.

A picture containing text, fabric

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A navigation pane indicates the current visible part of the processed design with a yellow rectangle. 

The yellow rectangle can be dragged over the processed design to inspect other parts.

Position and color

The position of the left bottom corner is shown. The position can also be typed.

The position and the color is displayed in a status bar.

A picture containing graphical user interface

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Manchon view

The display mode is changed to manchon view when zooming in strongly.


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Display options

The Display options tab at the bottom influences the visualization.

Graphical user interface, application

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Show weft selectionShow the weft bytes at the left side of the EP.
Loom drawing-in Draw the manchon representation according the drawing-in of the yarns in the loom dent (velvet).
Show back sideVisualize the back side of the EP to check the carpet labels.
Float lengthMinimum float length of the floats that are visualized (informative).
Cursor colorChange the cursor color to make the cursor more visible.


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Shows a manchon- and a cross-section representation of a zone of the processed design beneath the cursor. The visualized zone is indicated with a white square.

The inspected zone can be fixed by pressing the right mouse button and be released by pressing the right mouse button again.

Draws a CAD pixel grid on the processed design.



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 Loupe settings

The Loupe settings tab at the bottom contains parameters that influences the manchon- and the cross-section representation.

Number of dentsWidth of the inspected zone.
Number of color linesHeight of the inspected zone.
Show manchonShow the manchon representation.
Thread rulersShow the thread numbers.
Color switch infoShow in the title bar whether a weave structure color switch has been detected in the first dent of the inspected zone.

Color filters

The design colors can be filtered for easier analyzing.

Indicating a color will remove the color from the design.


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Indicating a chore will remove the colors that have the chore defined as weaving chore in the associated weave pattern.

Graphical user interface, application

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The mapping of the colors on the loom is shown.

A computer screen capture

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Thread filter

The yarns can be filtered in the manchon- and cross-section representation.

Chart, waterfall chart

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The yarns are hidden are shown according the option boxes Hide and Show.

The yarns are displayed in the sequence order as they occur on the active creel.

A picture containing text

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Pick filter

The picks can be filtered in the manchon representation (only velvet).

A picture containing table

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Global information of the ep can be obtained with the Info button (top left side).

A picture containing timeline

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First use

Calling View EP for the first time shows a popup. Clicking About CadCam redirect to this article.

The setup program for the CadCam environment can be downloaded from here: Cad/Cam. To install the environment:

  1. Run the downloaded setup.exe.
  2. Click Next >.
  3. Read and accept the License agreement and click Next >.
  4. Use the default Installation directory and click Next >.
  5. Select following extra components:

  6. Select Yes to install MsSQL database and click Next >.
  7. Select the language of your preference and click Next >.
  8. Click Finish.