Once an carpet order has been completed you can Print a weaving order. In the carpet orders list (Carpet orders under Production orders in the SCHEDULING section), click the button and then Print.

The print has a header and body.


The header shows general information such as schedule, quality, creel name, etc.

  • LengthLength of longest path / amount of picks the schedule has.
  • Due date: Due date that can be set while creating the order.


After the header for each path more information is given (example):


The values m² and quantity are commercial values, so for bottom and top carpet and only take into account production items. 

Seeing unexpected commercial values?

Make sure the pick and reed density on the quality is set correctly. This density is also shown in the header as Machine picks.

What is not included in the list?

  • Path labels.
  • Jute before and or after.
  • Rest when one path is longer than another path.

Example calculation 

Path 1

Width: 512 - Length 41323 - m²: 17.25

  • Width: 512 dents
    • Take largest with of any design in that path.

  • Length: 41323 picks
    • Jute before: 10 picks.
    • Pathlabel before: 56 picks.
      5x design guadi_portret_160_c5b54f: 802 * 5 (quantity is commercial so 10 /2)
    • Path label after: 56

  • M²: 17.25 m²
    • M² is commercial = actual m² of carpets that are able to be sold.
    • m² of 1 carpet guadi_portret_160_c5b54f: (150.59 * 114.57)/10 000 = 1.7253 m² each carpet.
    • Quantity 10 * 1.7253 m² each carpet = 17.25 m².