Custom settings are entered in the Production order settings window of the Carpet order module (under Production orders in the SCHEDULING section):
- If you don't have orders yet, the Production order settings window opens.
- If you have orders, click Custom settings
in the list view.
These settings will be used for new carpet orders, unless the carpet order has the same machine, quality and reel as a previous confirmed carpet order. In that case, the settings of that carpet order are used.
The default settings that can be overridden in the Configure step of a carpet order are marked red. The other settings are common settings.
- Define the Name generation pattern and Name placeholder separator for the carpet order name. See Name generation pattern for more information.
- Maximum loss: Percentage of waste that is allowed to be produced. When exceeded, a notification will appear in the Verify step.
- Maximum difference in path: Maximum allowed length difference between the paths.
- Allow exceeding requested amount of order line items: Include a safeguard and choose if the requested amount of order lines from the ERP system may be exceeded.
- Pre-filter takes alternative qualities and color sets into account: Choose if carpet orders should show alternative qualities for the selected quality or not.
- Alternative qualities are defined in the Qualities module (under Definitions > Quality related in the SCHEDULING section).
- Alternative color sets are defined in the Color sets module (under Definitions > Yarn related in the SCHEDULING section).
- Add on planning board: Choose if the order should be added on the planning board or not.
Rest zones
- These values are used as default for the Configure step of a carpet order creation and can be overridden there.
- Minimum width (dents): A rest zone is only created if the number of rest dents is larger than this value. If the number of rest dents is lower, the rest dents are distributed over the existing free zones.
This value is the default for all carpet production orders and cannot be overridden.
Free zones
- These values are used as default for the Configure step of a carpet order creation and can be overridden there.
Delete policy for files on the loom
Files on the loom can be deleted to prevent that the weaver would weave the same order twice or just to cleanup disk space.
- Options to specify if and when all files of an order should be deleted from the loom.
- None: Don't automatically delete the files (default).
- Schedule woven: Delete the files after starting the next order.
- Time period: Delete the files x days after starting the next order.
- Automatically delete schedule files after it has been started: Choose if the schedule file should be deleted after starting the order. This only deletes the order itself so the weaver can't weave the same order twice. Use in combination with the above setting if you also want to cleanup the EPS of that order after weaving it.
- Only start production orders from planned queue: Allow or prevent that production orders can be started that are not in the planned queue.
These values are used as default for the Configure step of a carpet order creation and can be overridden there.
Path labels
- Define the name generation pattern for the path label. See Name generation pattern for more information.