To monitor your machine and to allow remote support, the machines must be connected to your network, and this network must have access to the internet.

Minimum bandwidth: 1MB/s (*) with a maximum latency of 550ms.

(*) Preferable 3Mb/s for good performance of file transfer applications

The machine controller is preferable connected with an ethernet cable, but it is also possible to connect via a Wi-Fi access point and a specific Wi-Fi module connected to the machine. These can be ordered separately at Vandewiele after a clear agreement on specifications and price.


Below the FIREWALL SETTING REQUESTS  for the network switch to the connected machines :

  1. allow OUTGOING HTTPS port 443
    Every interaction between machines and Connect is initiated from the machine itself and consists of an outgoing HTTPS connection. This approach does not require any incoming port to be opened on the company firewall and is considered a best practice in the defense against malicious activities. HTTPS is used to encrypt all data between the machine and Connect.
  2. open DNS port 53 when you make use of an internet located name service 
  3.  you may add EXTRA SECURITY settings:
    To increase network and data security, it is advised to restrict outgoing connections to only some specific DNS names, following whitelist can be used: